After years of controversy over the record Robine catch, all Ort Norf fishing records were mysteriously lost. Some say Joch Klein took them with him into the eternal night. Others say they were stored in the Ghost House and burned up when the ghost finally had enough of FIBs trashing its house and decided to torch the place. Whatever the cause, the records have been lost, so the slate is clean and ready for new entries. Submit these (picture, length, weight) to


Scott Pfeifer has caught several 40+ inch Esox. He refuses to share the pictures because posting these would be too much like Facebooking.


When someone catches one larger than the perch below, we'll post it.




Jacob "Greemer" Pfeifer - 17", ? pounds, caught on nightcrawler in July 2012. Netted by father who still denies that he mocked his son that he was just snagged.


Kurt "Smeeb" Pfeifer - 18 inches, ? pounds, caught on a Berkely Gulp leech and 1/8 oz black jig head in front of Karcass's in August 2007. One day he hopes to catch a bass someplace other than in front of Karcass's.


"Grizzly" Gwen Pfeifer - 9", ? pounds, caught on leech in July 2012, over the impotent complaints of Jacob Pfeifer that he is the fisherman in the family. In literally a strange twist, in posing for the picture she instinctively assumed the same bizarre contortion she made for her last record rock bass picture.


Tim Pfeifer has caught numerous 12+" specimens but refused to photograph any for fear it would attract even more attention to his tree.


Ryan "Header" Pfeifer - 10 inches, ? pounds, caught on a leech and Octopus hook in the new and improved innumberable species spot. His grandfather slept through the whole thing.